Introducing A Designer's Eye

Hi, all! Today, I'm introducing a new series called A Designer's Eye (ADE for short). Based on a personal blog/online journal, ADE focuses on training and refining my artistic eye; developing my instincts; learning to trust them; and sharing what I find.

This is the image that started the entire experiment.


I felt absolutely compelled to capture it via one of my many online assets. As I was debating where to post (after all, it wasn't Friday), I realized how silly the maintenance of online properties had become. Each was limited to some kind of topic in order to define my niche in cyberspace. But designers are inspired by any and everything. So, I needed a more accommodating property. That property is my online journal which has now become this blog series (which I hope you enjoy).

Now to the image...

I love fashion. I love juxtaposition. I love high fashion juxtaposed by a gritty, tattered backdrop. I love the size of the photo. I love how each model looks like a Barbie in a box. I love the scale. And I love how it perfectly depicts the breadth of Marc Jacob’s work.

Now that you know the genesis (at least, partially), stay tuned for designy thoughts, opinions, and observations courtesy of... A Designer's Eye!


Desiré Greene

Desiré Greene is an entrepreneur, design enthusiast, and self-taught interior decorator with over 15 years of experience writing about home, lifestyle, and luxury. She holds an environmental engineering degree from MIT and is committed to sustainable living.

Desiré's passion lies in empowering others to curate a refined life through minimalist practices. Her blog, The Refined Life, is a haven for those seeking a sophisticated and intentional lifestyle. When she's not writing or designing, you can find her exploring the latest trends, enjoying time with her son, or pursuing new creative endeavors.

The Hat: Balenciaga S/S 2012


Interiors: White Living Room Vignettes